Articles by Graeme Speak

Graeme is CEO/Founder of and lives in San Francisco-Silicon Valley, Perth-Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Graeme studied Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and part of an MBA at the University of Western Australia. He is a serial entrepreneur with his most successful ventures being and He is an avid kitesurfer and actively promoted kiting safety for several years after recovering from a serious kitesurfing accident. He was Secretary of the Western Australian Kitesurfing Association ( and a founding committee member for the first few years of which became the largest kitesurfing event in the southern hemisphere. He enjoys fundamental thinking, philosophy and has a strong interest in learning about culture, social evolution and futurism.

I’m back from Rackspace’s “Cloud Computing” pitch event in Sydney. We weren’t chosen for the line-up which was devastating. I decided to go along anyway to learn why.

When Rackspace heard what we were doing they setup a special meeting for me to meet their CTO, Alan Perkins. Alan is recognised as one of the 20 most influential people in IT in Australia.  The meeting went exceptionally well.  He was particularly interested in how we had solved the Boot Storm problem and on our angles for monetization based on applications from the Appstore. In fact it went so well that he has written a report recommending Rackspace investigate GoPC further.  I also learned it was a PR company who had organised the line-up and was told that they had made a mistake – Alan said we absolutely should have been included in the line up. I was so happy to hear him say this!!

We didn’t pitch at the event so couldn’t win first prize, but we earned it – I’m going to Silicon Valley again in October to be interviewed by Robert Scoble for his video blog. Robert is Rackspace’s technology evangelist with 4,000,000 followers, mostly early adopters.  Peter de Prins ( ) advised me to find a Maven, a trusted person with an extensive network to talk about GoPC, and I believe that we have exactly that with Robert Scoble.

I’m announcing the release of the new Rainmaker technology tomorrow. Anyone reading this is welcome to create a Free account while the launch is on. I’m asking for help to identify niche target markets.

Here’s a photograph of Robert Scoble and myself at the Rackspace pitch event, Small Teams Big Impact.

Rackspace “Cloud Computing” pitch event.
Small Teams Big Impact. Sydney, 6th August 2013

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Stoked to see do an article on our Pitch night and help build the publicity around this event.

Seats are almost sold out now. The line-up has been condensed to a top 10 and we’ll be refining this further over the next few days with some dry runs and coaching to help the entrepreneurs sharpen their pitches. It’s now getting very hard to pick between them. Definitely some billion dollar ideas amongst the line-up. Can’t wait for Wednesday night.

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I’m running another LESANZ “Innovators Pitch Night” at IBM on 31st July. This is to showcasing 7 investor-ready entrepreneurs to the investment, startup and commercialisation networks in Perth.

Please help me get the word out.  I am filtering and coaching pitches this week so still open for submissions from investor-ready startups.

With the event oversubscribed last year we will be limiting numbers and there is a cost to cover catering so please register early to ensure a place.

Venue: IBM West Perth, 31st July from 5:15pm – 8:30pm
Judging Panel: Larry Lopez, Ray Hart, Dr Marcus Tan
Moderator: Graeme Speak
Full Details Here:

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I wanted to post this as a pin-up or reminder for myself of some really high value insights of one of Silicon Valley’s most successful entrepreneurs. This was a summary of a Ryan Mac’s summary from the lecture series he did at Stanford. #ForbesGreatestHits

1. Globalization is not (all there is to) progress.

There is no innovation going from from 1 to n and copying something somebody else has done. To be great, you have to do something new and important. All great companies went from 0 to 1. They solved a problem in a unique way.

2. It is better to be right than to be contrarian.

Value tends to be hidden. The key question is: What important truth do very few people agree with you on? The business version of this is: What valuable company is nobody building? A certain degree of contrarianism is embedded in these questions. Wrestling with them can lead to important truths.

3. Secrets exist.

They are discoverable.

4. Capitalism and competition are antonyms, not synonyms.

Competition in practice it is destructive and should be avoided. Better to think about how to run away from the fighting and build a monopoly business instead.

5. People lie.

We overlook the importance of sales and distribution. Betting distribution right is crucial; most companies fail because of distribution problems, not technology problems. One must understand the theatre of sales.

6. Much of life is a power law.

Things are (not) normally distributed but follow a power-law distribution, which can be counter-intuitive and uncomfortable. Some companies succeed wildly. Most fail and go to zero. Finding the company that falls on the right tail of the distribution is absolutely crucial.

7. A bad plan is better than no plan. A good plan is even better.

Take a meaningful swing at something big. Playing it safe has serious costs and may not be as safe as it is perceived to be. You must have a plan. Without it you are resigning your fate to chance.

8. Foundations matter.

Thiel’s Law: A startup messed up at its foundation cannot be fixed. Founding mistakes will amplify and destroy companies from within. Think carefully about keeping people’s motivations and incentives aligned.

9. Founders are different.

Founders are at the extremes on both ends: they are extreme insiders and extreme outsiders, disagreeable and charismatic, infamous and famous.

10. Find a frontier and go for it.

Quoting from Ryan Mac
” There is something importantly singular about each new thing. There is a mini singularity whenever you start a company or make a key life decision. In a very real sense, the life of every person is a singularity.

The obvious question is what you should do with your singularity. The obvious answer, unfortunately, has been to follow the well-trodden path. You are constantly encouraged to play it safe and be conventional. The future, we are told, is just probabilities and statistics. You are a statistic.

But the obvious answer is wrong. That is selling yourself short. There are still many large white spaces on the map of human knowledge. You can go discover them. So do it. Get out there and fill in the blank spaces. Every single moment is a possibility to go to these new places and explore them.

There is perhaps no specific time that is necessarily right to start your company or start your life. But some times and some moments seem more auspicious than others. Now is such a moment. If we don’t take charge and usher in the future—if you don’t take charge of your life—there is the sense that no one else will.”

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My team has just completed an 18 month project to upgrade the infrastructure hosting GoPC. The proof of the pudding was this weekend when we executed a major upgrade to the Zimbra email system. We had been expecting an outage of 2-3 days potentially to process the many millions of files in the system. Physical hardware is always the limitation.

The team has built a customised infrastructure based on several new cutting edge technologies. I was introducted to Infiniband through the iVEC supercomputing facility and wondered whether this might work for us. It runs at 40 Gigabit and has much more efficient switching than Ethernet. To put this in perspective each server cable is now equivalent to 40 Ethernet cables in the old system and we have installed two cables into each storage array.

We then starting experimenting with Ceph, a new cutting edge technology which is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. It supports petabyte and even exabyte scale. The team introduced banks of ultra-fast Solid State Disks to the storage arrays and put large RAM disks in front of these. There were initially a lot of issues with stability but some weeks later the system was tuned. The new SSD’s are 10x faster than the previous generation we implemented last upgrade.

The system now really flys. On one benchmarket test, not intended to be representative of a real world situation, we clocked 270,000 input/output operations per second sustained over 8 hours. It is ideally tuned for database transaction processing.

The Zimbra upgrade process was the acid test. The first process which took over 12 hours last weekend on the old infrastructure took just 15 minutes, (45x faster). We then processed the remainder of the upgrade across all mailstores and instead of taking 2-3 days it was completed in under 3 hours.

I’m hugely relieved, impressed and energised. My team, led by Chris, is absolutely first class and I rate him as a genius.

So the constraints which have been holding us back are now gone. We are running at full speed and readying to release the new GoPC Rainmaker project in the next few weeks. Rainmaker is a total new innovation in the way cloud computing can be done. We will be the first to market with this new approach to cloud computing. More to be said about that next time.

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This week I facilitated an event for members, the main Western Australian group representing Internet entrepreneurs.

The thrust of the evening was training on Lean Startup principals created by Eric Ries and Steve Blank. We can learn from a book or we can learn by doing. Rather than make this a lecture I decided to turn this into an experience.

The structure of the evening was split into an intial Brainstorming session in teams, generating as many new business ideas as possible. To put an edge on it the teams were to pitch their two best ideas to the larger group. It such a total success with everyone having a ball and some brilliant ideas pitched. Individuls then voted on the best pitches and then formed into teams to work on these business ideas.

The teams then used the Lean Canvas to flesh out the detailed business model for each idea, again pitching to the group at the conclusion.

There were about 30 Internet entrepreneurs taking part and the feedback was that people loved it. I am certainly a fan of the Lean Startup principals. I recall seeing a presentation in Palo Alto or Mountain View in 2009 on this very subject and wonder if it was Eric Ries. I felt at the time that it was one of the most important ideas I had learned from Silicon Valley.

Here is the advertisement to the

Entrepreneurs aspire to be SERIAL entrepreneurs.

This months eGroup is an opportunity to stretch outside your normal thinking framework and experience the power of group thinking processes which you can then apply in your own business.

We have picked a set of the best idea generators used by start-up entrepreneurs and will working together in groups to develop a series of never-seen-before online business concepts, which we’ll build into mashups and then turn these into robust business models. What is more the process will be compressed into just a 120 minute experience.

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A quick acknowledgement to everyone who helped run this evening.

It was an amazing success. We told the VC’s to be gentle and I think next time we should just let them be themselves.

It was jammed to the rafters, standing room only and with many people having to watch from outside the doors. Well over 100 attendees plus judges, pitching teams and organisors.

Special thanks to Kris Borgraeve for volunteering to MC the event. To Barry Winwood for helping manage the flow and ensuring everyone’s pitch deck was ready to go. To IBM for agreeing to host the event within their offices.

I’ll look at doing another one of these for LESANZ in 12 months time.


I have been on the committee and looking at how we can build the profile of the organisation in Perth. I came up with the idea of holding a pitch event because it would introduce innovators with the corporate advisors, IP lawyers, and Patent Attorney’s tha make up most of the LESANZ organisation.

It was just an idea until my friend Kris Borgraeve agreed to help by agreeing to be the Master of Ceremonies, something he has had a lot of experience running for Belgian TV. It has taken about 10 days fulltime effort to pull this together and we now have a brilliant line up of innovators across the full specrum from engineering, chemical engineering, bio-technology and of course IT. It’s amazing to see the diversity of top quality ideas that are ready for investment.

We now have over 100 attendees registered and hosting it in the IBM building will be perfect but its going to be jammed to the rafters. It goes to show that Perth is brimming with innovation and entreprenuership. There were a lot of people who would like to have registered but could not with the short notice. Clearly there is a strong market for doing more of this. It was only a one off event but perhaps we will run it again.

Given the amount of work I’ve put in to creating this I have decided in the end that I will be pitching tonight.




Join us for an entertaining night of high-energy, nail-biting, quick-fire pitches from some of our most promising innovators and entrepreneurs as they battle it out to raise an eye brow from our panel of judges, a den of seasoned Angel and Venture Capitalists.

Hosted by IBM at their West Perth conference facility and moderated by Belgian TV News Anchor Kris Borgraeve, we have assembled a lineup of technology businesses ready to pitch their opportunity at the judges. Contestants have just 5-minutes to cover the highlights and
convince the panel of their viability and market opportunity before the judges are let loose with scalpels to critique each pitch.

This is going to be a night at the intersection between entrepreneurs, executives, investors and thought-leaders. A cross-networking event designed to help you meet the new faces on the brink of commercialising innovations which may be flying well under your radar.

For innovators and entrepreneurs this is your opportunity to network with the entire eco-system of professionals and experts involved in nurturing the commercialisation process.

The Judging Panel: 

Liddy McCall – Yuuwa Capital

An experienced lawyer and fund manager, Liddy has been involved in technology commercialisation for over 10 years. As a Director at Macquarie Bank she was focused on mergers and acquisitions in Sydney and North America. Liddy co-founded a number of biotech companies including ICeutica Inc which was acquired last year by a US pharmaceutical company. Most recently, Liddy co-founded Yuuwa Capital which is a $40M early-stage
venture capital firm based in Perth.

Stephen Llanwarne – Tech Angel

After forging a career in IT technologies used by investment banks such as Nat West Capital Markets, Stephen moved to London where he ran the IT systems for Deutsche Bank, Bankers Trust and Merrill Lych. Stephen was a Founding Partner CIO at Zurich Capital Markets and in
2004 became an active business angel investing in start-ups. Stephen is a founding investor of, the worlds largest mobile social-network, a mobile web development platform and of, a local software house. In addition, Stephen advises on a number of other start-ups.

Rob Newman – Stone Ridge Ventures

Rob has a successful track record as a technology entrepreneur in both Australia and Silicon Valley. He has twice founded businesses based on technology from WA Universities with a combined market value of over $200M. As a Ph.D. student Rob invented and co-founded QPSX
Communications Pty Ltd which supplied technology to telecommunication carriers across the world. Rob also founded Atmosphere Networks to commercialise technology from Curtin University which securing US Venture Capital and was ultimately acquired by Ditech Communications. Rob is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Stone Ridge Ventures a leading WA technology venture capital firm.

The Moderator:

Kris Borgraeve holds a Master’s Degree in TV Journalism. He spent 10 years as a prime time TV news anchor, TV talk show host, radio host and news journalist in Belgium producing stories and live-reporting for VTM, RTL-TVI and Sky News. He co-founded MultiMedia Makers, a video production company which produces TV News quality video for the Internet enabling businesses to better communicate their message. Kris relocated the business to Australia in 2010 and is a Foreign Correspondent for European TV stations. He speaks fluent English, French, Spanish, German and Dutch.

Event Details

Date: Wednesday 8 August 2012
Time: 5:15 pm
Arrival and pre-drinks
5:45 pm Pitches and Judging
7:15 pm
Drinks, Food and Networking
8:30 pm Event concludes
Venue: IBM
Conference Facility, Level 1
1060 Hay Street, West Perth WA 6005
Parking: Street parking in surrounding Hay Street, Parliament Place,
Murray Street
Cost: LES members:
$  25; Non members: $  50; Students: $ 10   *incl GST
RSVP: Monday 6
August 2012
Book: Book
online here:
Visa or MasterCard accepted or advise EFT/ChequeThe tax receipt will be emailed to the recipient immediately upon

Due to catering, cancellations received after the RSVP
date will not be refunded. Dietary requirements to be advised to the
Secretariat when booking is made.


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We would like to announce the new system is now live!

And we are all going out now to celebrate. 🙂

It is exhilarating, having created a vision to actually build it and then, after struggling for so long with some really difficult issues, finally break through to release another brand new concept technology to the market.

Over the next few days we will be continually tweaking things and will then look to launch the next upgrade in about a fortnight.  This has been such a monolith upgrade but future changes will be released in very rapid succession on the new platform.  What is next is that we are bringing back the free trial account so anyone can try out AppStore and set up a trial virtual desktop.

Graeme Speak

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Recently our company Chairman introduced me to His Excellency Jan Mikolaj, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic and Education Minister.  He was was on a trade mission to Silicon Valley and I had 30 minutes to pitch why the Cloud should be rolled out across Slovakia’s schools and universities.

He explained that Slovakia is dominated by Cisco, Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft and the meeting concluded with his hardest question which was the most satisfying to answer:  “How can GoPC compete against Microsoft’s huge discounts”.

I explained that “Even if Microsoft provide their software completely free it is still far cheaper to use because (i) the cost of deploying is so small compared to a normal PC deployment, (ii) it recycles existing PC hardware and eliminates file servers; (iii) the support costs after implementation are minimal”.  He understood, liked it and next introduced me to his entourage of advisors.

Jan Mikaloj speaks perfect English and his son studies at the University of Sydney.  It was incredible to pitch at a national level for use throughout a small European nation.   This meeting introduced us into Hewlett-Packard in Palo Alto with direct involvement from HP’s Director responsible for European government sales.   From our perspective HP is still trying to work out how to be a cloud provider but we established that GoPC is complementary technology for HP.

Graeme Speak

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